As we get older, it's hard not to think about death.
"Am I exercising enough? Should I be taking vitamins? Am I eating properly?"
Most of our habits are formed as children, but did you know that a lot of common food habits are linked to early death?
According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, an estimated 45.4% of all deaths in America are caused by heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. 9.5% of these deaths are caused by diet-related issues.
Take a look at some of these common food habits and see if you are guilty of any of these.
Not Enough Fruit
7.5% of diet-related deaths have to do with people not eating enough fruit in one day. One serving of fruit is one whole fruit, or one cup equivalent.

Not Enough Vegetables

Same idea with veggies. 7.6% of diet related deaths are due to a lack of vegetables in their diet. This is more common in men than in women.
See what else is sabotaging your health on the next page!
Not Enough Protein

Nuts and seeds are protein-rich foods, and not eating enough led to an estimated 8.5% of diet-related deaths in 2012. It's recommended to eat 5.5oz of protein-rich foods (like walnuts) per day.
Totally Cutting Out Grains

When people think of eating healthy, they often cut out grains completely. However, too few whole grains led to 5.9% of all diet-related deaths. Cutting out refined grains (like white rice and flour) is a good idea, but whole grains are an important part of your diet.
Too Much Salt

9.5% of all diet-related deaths are linked to eating too much sodium. If you're over 65, you are more likely to fall victim to death because of salt.
Too Many Processed Meats

Processed meats, such as bacon, lead to 8.5% of all diet-related deaths, primarily heart disease and diabetes. The risk is higher in men than women.
These are some of the more common food habits that lead to early death. Are you guilty of any of these habits? I am...