I really hate to admit it but the world is currently in a very scary state. There are frequent attacks happening across the globe, a looming threat of World War III and diseases spreading at rapid paces.
These unfortunate issues have prompted a lot of people in positions of power to speak out and share their thoughts and predictions about the fate of the world. The list includes some politicians, psychics and more recently, a religious leader.
Dr. F Kenton Beshore, the president of the World Bible Society, has some very interesting things to say about the end of the world based on the Christian holy book.
According to Beshore, civilisation as we know it will come to an end sooner than expected and Jesus will make his return shortly after. He penned his predictions in a series of books in which he argues that the impending rapture began about 100 years ago and we're currently living through the final phase.

The theologian believes that a generation lasts "seventy years, or perhaps eighty, if we are strong," so based on that "World War Two and the birth of Israel marked the beginning of the end for humanity."
In one of his books, When: When Will the Rapture Take Place?, he argues that the parable of the fig tree is " a prophecy of the rebirth of the nation of Israel." He also states that so far seven major prophecies have already been fulfilled, 5 are currently in the process of being fulfilled, and there are 15 more to go including Jesus' impending return.
"Those who are watching are the Lord's obedient servants. The Lord Jesus commanded us to watch for his return," Beshore said.

As for the exact dates? Beshore says that due to war and other factors, the apocalypse will take place on or before 2021 and Jesus will once again walk the earth in 2028.
He concludes that by that point many will embrace God, "I see that as a removal of the Islamic presence. So it's a great miracle that will cause many to turn to the Lord."
What do you think of Beshore's predictions? Share your thoughts in the comments!
[h/t: Express UK]