When a young couple's future was shattered, 24-year-old Ayla Cresswell didn't let her dreams of becoming a mother disappear when she lost the love of her life suddenly.
After Joshua Davies died suddenly, his girlfriend of 2-years didn't let go of the dream of wanting to start the family-of-three that she and the bricklayer had planned.
In spite of her devastation, she acted quickly after his death to get the courts to give permission to harvest his sperm for eventual implantation.

"Joshua told me that he was very excited at the prospect of being a father, and we often talked about having children, and the effect it would have on our lives," Creswell told the court.
"It is my honest belief that this is what Joshua would have wanted," she said.

Creswell's request comes with the full support of Joshua's parents John and Iona.
"While Joshua never discussed this eventuality, I firmly believe that he would be proud for Ayla to have his children," his parents said.
"Should Ayla have Joshua's children she would have the full support of our family to assist her with the raising of her children," they stated.
Creswell was granted permission to harvest his sperm after her first court appearance. With his sperm having been held by an IVF clinic since his death, she now goes back to the court to ask permission to use it to have his baby.
"We are still in the process of finishing our affidavits for the second stage," said Creswell's lawyer David Riwoe.
What do you think of her decision? Do you think the courts should allow this?