It started as the perfect Hollywood romance: after splitting up with Jenny McCarthy, comedian and movie star Jim Carrey found love with Cathriona White, a makeup artist from Ireland. But after dating on and off for years, the couple's love story ended with tragedy. In 2012, just days after Carrey broke up with White, police found her dead at her home in Los Angeles.
Her death by overdose was ruled a suicide, and at the scene police found two notes, one of which was specifically addressed to Carrey.
Days later Carrey released a statement, saying that since he heard the news he had been "in disbelief." But the shocking story was only beginning.

Police interviewed Carrey about White's death, but said he wasn't a suspect. In the months following White's suicide, the The Mask star remained close with her family, and he was even a pallbearer at her funeral in Ireland.
A source even revealed that the star was supporting White's family financially after the tragedy.

Then, the movie star was broadsided by a surprising discovery: White was married to another man at the time of her death, and he filed a lawsuit claiming Carrey was responsible for his wife's suicide.
Learn about White's husband and the second lawsuit on the next page.
It turned out that during a brief period when Carrey and White had split, she married an American named Mark Burton. Carrey's lawyer described the relationship as a "green-card" marriage, and says that Burton is trying to capitalize on White's death. But Burton does have a reason to claim Carrey somehow caused White's suicide.
Police revealed that White overdosed on a combination of sleeping pills, heart medication and pain relievers. From text messages on White's cell phone, Burton claims that one of these medicines was supplied by Carrey even though he knew White was suicidal, and he's suing the star for "wrongful death."
But he's not the only one.

White's mother Brigid has joined the lawsuit, and also claims her daughter was suicidal because she had caught STDs from Carrey.
"Jim Carrey should be ashamed of what he did to my daughter," she writes in her lawsuit. "As a family, we want the world to know the truth about who Jim Carrey really is."
Now, it's been announced that the star will have his day in court to disprove these claims. The trial will begin in L.A. next April.
"I will not tolerate this heartless attempt to exploit me or the woman I loved," Carrey said in a statement.
"Cat's troubles were born long before I met her and sadly her tragic end was beyond anyone's control.
"I really hope that some day soon people will stop trying to profit from this and let her rest in peace."
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