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Why Is Recessed Lighting So Popular?

In the last two decades, homeowners have shunned hanging light fixtures in favor of installing recessed lights. Even as some people question how long the recessed lighting craze will last, more people are now installing these lights in their homes. So, should you also get in on recessed lights? What makes them so popular?

Benefits of Recessed Lighting

Anytime people jump on a trend, there are two motivations. The first is the grapevine, where people go on and on about the trend and implement it because others have. Unfortunately, some people follow this route and often find they have dug themselves in a hole because they did not ask enough questions. Then there is the second motivation – the facts. In this case, you take the trend apart, questioning everything you have heard and getting references. In our case, we will ignore the grapevine and instead focus on the truth behind recessed lights.

So, what are recessed lights? These are lights that sit flush with the ceiling, creating the effect of seamlessness as shown in They also go by pot lights or can lights. In the last few years, people have relied on them because they:

  • Are safer: While hanging light fixtures look great, they also pose safety hazards. Taller people often bump their heads on the lights. Or items can go flying, hitting the lights and creating a mess. Such replacement costs can run high and can be frustrating to the homeowner. With recessed lighting, this is not possible. The lights remain out of reach, and even homes with high foot traffic can install these lifesavers.
  • Make rooms more visually appealing: By sitting flush on the ceiling, they reduce the clutter that often comes with hanging light fixtures. So, the room takes on a simple and clean look. With nothing interrupting the view, it becomes easier to focus on the focal points in the room.
  • Are versatile: Try and think about places where you can install traditional hanging lights. How long was your list? Recessed lighting has one main benefit over traditional options- they are versatile! Whether you want to make your living area look better or make your dining area stand out, you can rely on these lights. Besides, they also complement any style and will not be an eyesore. Did we mention that they also serve as auxiliary lights?
  • Highlight focal points in the room: Installing a traditional hanging light over an art piece takes away from the art. While people will still notice the art piece, their eyes will also be drawn to the source of light. Recessed lighting, on the other hand, is different. It illuminates the object without taking center stage and is, therefore, the best way to illuminate anything worth a second look.
  • Save space: Small rooms barely have room for hanging lights protruding from the ceiling. It is especially so in homes with short walls. Recessed lighting makes more sense in this case. It fits quietly and subtly into the ceiling and creates the illusion of a bigger space.
  • Do not require much support: Besides the trim and housing, you do not need to go out of your way to install recessed lighting. That is quite different from traditional lights, which often require you to buy enough hardware to keep them from coming crashing down on you.

These lights boast efficiency and functionality while complementing your interior design. You can even get more efficiency out of them by choosing LED options over the traditional lights.

Recessed Lights vs. Ceiling Lights

Should you use recessed or ceiling lights? Again, it comes down to the size of the house. For example, in a small space, both recessed and ceiling lights can work. Ceiling lights serve both decorative and functional purposes. However, due to their large sizes, it makes sense to use only one per small room. Otherwise, the room can feel cluttered. Therefore, if one ceiling light does not provide sufficient light, using recessed lighting can make sense.

For big spaces, you can use both recessed and ceiling lights. In high traffic areas, you can use the recessed lights to give enough headroom. You can then add the ceiling lights in low traffic areas where their grandeur can be visible to all. See? You can have your cake and eat it!

Why Should You Use Recessed LED Lighting?

Recessed lighting comes in many forms. However, people have been switching out their traditional lights (incandescent and fluorescent lights) for LEDs. Why is this?

Lower Energy Bills

What if someone told you that you could lower your utility bills without compromising your light output? Would you say yes to that? That is what you get for switching to LED lights. LEDs consume less wattage and still give amazing light output. Averages show that you can save as much as 50% to 80% on utility bills by merely making this small change.

Reduced Maintenance Costs

Did you know that LEDs can last for as many as 50,000 hours or even more? One of the key frustrations with standard bulbs is their short lifetime. One minute, they are burning bright, and the next minute, you are back at the store. With the longevity offered by LEDs, you can put off replacements for years. Of course, this saves you the money you would have incurred to get a new bulb or pay for labor.

Where Can You Use Recessed Lighting?

Most people install recessed lighting in their ceilings. As a result, people have come to associate this type of lighting with above-ground installations. However, you can also install the lights on your walls and the ground. For example, if you want to light a pathway, you can get lights suited for the outdoors and install them in the ground! Not only are they functional, but they will also serve aesthetic purposes.

Recessed lighting can serve the primary purposes of lighting- task, ambient, and accent lighting. So, whether you want to create a mood, focus on an art piece, or bathe a wall in light, you can trust recessed lighting to help you get there.

Have fun!

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