When this family made the decision to intervene, they knew that there were so many things that could have gone wrong.
As researchers and their family were touring the Sea of Cortez off the coast of Baja, California, they spotted a young humpback whale that appeared to be in some significant distress.
As they approached the whale, they realized that she was severely entangled in a large nylon net. Although she could breathe, she could barely move.

After much debate, co-director of The Great Whale Conservancy, Michael Fishbach, slipped into the water and cautiously swam within a foot of the gentle giant's eye.
See the full rescue on the next page!
Fishbach tells ABC News that he wanted to present himself to her as a friend - so that she wouldn't be afraid as he and his team attempted the difficult task of cutting away the netting.
Very slowly, they brought their small boat up alongside the large whale and began the long, careful process of cutting away the tangled netting.
For over an hour, they worked tirelessly to free the whale they named Valentina. After the final cut is made, the watch her swim away - free at last!
But as the camera pans into the horizon it captures Valentina's stunning display of joy and quite possibly gratitude - watch to the end, you don't want to miss this!
[h/t ABC News]