Walmart has been the go-to store for just about anything you can imagine, for well over a decade. Over the last couple of years they have been stepping up their game and completely changing the shopping experience.

For the last couple of years you have been able to place your grocery order online and the staff at Walmat would pick it for you and put it together in a refrigerated cooler, then you could pick it up at your convenience. Well, they're now trying to take it a step further.
Not only is Walmart willing to pick your grocery order off the shelves for you, but now they want to deliver it to your front door. If you aren't home when the order is coming you can make arrangements for them to enter your house and put away your groceries for you before leaving as if no one had been there.

Imagine coming home from work or even vacation and realizing all of your grocery shopping was done and all you had to do was cook dinner. For this project they are teaming up with smart-lock company August Home and the delivery start-up Deliv to see how it will work.
The company recently announced that they would do a trial run of the service in Silicon Valley to see if it will work efficiently, and to get feedback on how consumers feel about having random strangers in their homes when no one else is there.

I don't think that I would be personally comfortable with this, I feel like the fridge is one of those areas of a house that can tell you a lot of information about the people that live there. What do you think?