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17 Vintage Appliances Kids Today Wouldn't Recognize

HAM Radio - QRP / Casual Photophile / x over it - blogger

Remember when you couldn't go anywhere without hearing a record turning, a Polaroid snapping, or a boombox blasting? While it always seemed like those days would last forever, eventually we moved on from our technologies, and now you'd be hard-pressed to event rack down some of these items.

Which of these do you remember?

HAM Radio

While it's popularity has faded into obscurity today with the advent of the internet, amateur radio used to be a big hit!

VHS Tapes

We must have piles of these stored away in our basement, I'm sure they'll be worth a fortune one day!

Analog Phones

It may be easier to carry around a phone today but these were so fun to have around!

Polaroid Camera

This was definitely a loss. Having a picture right after you take it = the best.


Though only really used by enthusiasts today, everyone remembers having to type up their school work using one of these.


Do you remember popping these in before CDs took over?

8-Track Tapes

Or the short-lived reign of 8-tracks? I suppose it lives on in some ways.


Throwback to before cassettes, we all had that one friend who wouldn't even let us touch their copy of the White Album. (We did anyways)

Floppy Disc

At the time they seemed so futuristic and sleek, how did they become the iconic symbol for the outdated?

You may have recognized these vintage items, but what about some lesser-known appliances that used to be everywhere?

Betamax Tapes

Cousin of the VHS, these puppies were available right up until 2015. We stopped seeing them a long time before that though.

8mm Camcorder

"Hey everyone! Smile into the camera!" Before we had video on our phones, there always seemed to be a budding cameraman around. Honestly, we thank them for recording all those weddings, birthdays, and random afternoons.

Transistor Radio

Easier to use than a HAM, this radio could easily be carried around while hanging out with friends.

Slide Projector

Even though we had to sit through too many vacation slide shows, it was kind of cool to feel like you were in a personal home theater.


Oh jeeze. There has to be a picture of everyone walking around with one of these on their hip. At least the cool people.


You know, I'm pretty sure we all just called these Walkmans back in the day. Maybe we couldn't let go?

Laserdisc Player

Before we had DVD and Bluray, we had laserdisc. I think we can all remember the feeling of popping in our first disc and having it actually play on the screen.


History has been kind to these giant machines that we used to carry around. These beasts guaranteed that there was a party wherever they went.

Do you still have any of these vintage items? Let us know if you still use them!

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