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Video Shows The Gross Difference Between Coke And Coke Zero

<div><p>If you've ever looked at the sugar content on a bottle of Coke, chance are your blood sugar sky-rocketed just from that. </p><p>In just one can of Coke, there are almost 3 tablespoons of sugar! If there was any question as to why there's an obesity problem, this is probably your best answer. </p><p>Once people started getting savvy to just how much sugar Coke has, the company came out with Coke Zero, which boasts about a zero-sugar content while still having the same taste. Many people don't like the taste of Coke Zero, but after watching this video I bet a lot of people will change their mind. </p><p>This video boils down a bottle of Coke and a bottle of Coke Zero. What's left in the pan is sugar, as the boiling evaporates all the water. To say it's disturbing is an understatement...</p><p>Watch the video. Will you still be drinking Coke after this?</p><div><amp-facebook data-href="" layout="responsive" height="600" width="640"></amp-facebook></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p></div>

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