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11 Uber Drivers Who Have Absolutely Earned Their 5-Star Ratings

The Cheat Sheet

Being an Uber driver is very much a hustle. As a driver you must distinguish yourself from the rest of the competition in order to ensure you can make a good living. Customers are encouraged to rate their drivers, the higher the rating, the more money you are likely going to make.

Sometimes Uber drivers decide to take the customer experience to the next level in order to get that five-star review.


Who doesn't enjoy an adorable puppy dog along for your commute through town?


Something as simple as a Christmas card can go a long way.


Cats aren't for everyone, but honestly who wouldn't think this was kind of hilarious.


Okay, this driver is getting my five-star rating and I don't even use the Uber app.


Again keeping with the holiday spirit.


What would you do if you got in the back seat of the car and saw this buffet before you?

It gets even better from here...


Do you see anything here that would come in handy for your evening out on the town?


Anyone for a little in-car entertainment?


Variety is the spice of life.


Covering all of his bases in one shot. I love the final line, common sense rules the day.

What was your best Uber experience?

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