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Try an Immune Boosting Smoothie to Get Your Day Started on the Right Track!

<div><p></p><p>Busy lives make having a balanced breakfast tough to fit into every morning. Smoothies are a really great way to have a meal on-the-go and you can put some really health boosting ingredients in them!</p><p>This tasty recipe hides iron enriched spinach that even the pickiest eaters wouldn't notice. Creamy bananas and kiwis give this Immune Boosting Smoothie a mellow tropical flavor. Try adding any of your favorite fruits to customize to your taste!</p><h2>Ingredients:</h2><ul><li>large handful of fresh spinach</li><li>2 kiwi</li></ul><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><ul><li>banana</li><li>2 heaped tablespoons natural yogurt</li></ul><h2>Directions:</h2><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p></p><ol><li>Add the spinach to the blender and blitz into tiny pieces.</li><li>Scoop the flesh from the kiwi and break up the banana add them to the blender along with the natural yogurt and blitz until smooth.</li></ol><div><div><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="gvt0vFIBdS8"></amp-youtube></div></div></div></div>

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