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The amount of money I've spent online shopping in the last two years is astronomical. Some days I think I want to look it up and check the actual numbers, then I remember that heart attacks run in my family and it's not worth it, because I can guarantee that number is too large for my own good.
The problem is there are just some products that are too good to pass up. I bought a container that holds all my nail polish in little compartments and to say it changed my life is an understatement.
We did you a favor and compiled the 10 best items you should 100% own if you want to live a better life. They also make great gifts for those people who are insanely hard to shop for.
1. USB Mini Fridge
I'm not going to even try and pretend that I don't have a serious addiction to Diet Coke. I also won't pretend that my office doesn't have a soda thief who believes anything in the fridge is up for grabs (IT'S NOT, OKAY?).
The problem is that I don't love warm soda, so I'm taking a big risk by leaving my can in the communal fridge. Luckily my best friend showed me this mini soda fridge and my life has been forever changed. It holds one can of soda at a time, and keeps it nice and cool for whenever you want to consume it. GET YOUR OWN SODA, THIEF.
2. Mosquito Net Hammock
I've always been a fan of camping, but I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or because mosquitoes are getting particularly bad, I just don't find it enjoyable anymore. I'm constantly worried about bug spray and making sure I don't get eaten alive in the woods. This mosquito hammock is a great part of the solution. There's no need to worry about mosquitoes or any other bugs coming after you in the middle of the night, plus you sort of feel like a caterpillar in a roomy cocoon, which is amazing.
3. Pet Water Bottle
I know what you're thinking. "Can't I just let my pet drink from my water?" Well, yes. But then the assumption is that you always have water on you, and that you'll somehow be able to get your pet to drink from a nozzle. With the pet water bottle, you'll have a leak-proof system that lets your dog (or cat) drink effortlessly. The electronic pump means any water they don't drink can go right back in the bottle. There are also filters if you want to give your pet the best, and who doesn't?
4. Vely Vely Makeup Pouch
Finding a makeup bag that holds all my products without being the equivalent size of a tackle box can be challenging. I end up shoving all my makeup and toiletries into a tiny bag and dump the entire thing out whenever I need something. This case lets me have full visibility and I never have to stab my hand on a pair of tweezers or manicure scissors ever again! It's great for when I travel to visit my family out of state.
5. USB Blender Bottle
I've started drinking smoothies for breakfast because I find that anything else is too heavy in the morning. Counter space in my apartment is limited though, so having any type of blender is tricky. Plus some days I want to drink it at work and it just becomes a whole process. This blender bottle charges in your USB port and lets you blend smoothies on the go. Plus, there's no transferring glasses which just creates a mess.
6. Thigh Trainers
Fast results are always desirable, but there are only so many squats you can do or cardio, even, before you finally call it quits. Plus, that thigh master at the gym is supremely awkward to use, especially when you make eye contact with someone while doing it. These thigh trainers help to promote fast results by increasing the heat in your thigh area during exercise, meaning you don't have to spend as much time working out. They're adjustable for all shapes and sizes, and also help prevent hamstring and quadriceps pulls because of the additional support.
7. Scratch-Off World Map
Alright travelers, listen up. This scratch-off world map is almost like a giant bingo card for your adventures. Every time you travel, scratch off the country you visited to change its color. It's a really cool talking point and lets you see just how much of the world you've seen. I got this for my friend who travels all over for work, and he was so excited he almost couldn't contain himself.
8. Mac USB Hub
Any other Mac users out there completely frustrated when you go to plug something in and realize the port isn't there? Me too. Apple wants to make as much money off us as possible, but joke's on them...I don't have that kind of cash. This hub comes with:
- USB C HUB Card Reader
- Type C Hub
- USB-C HUB for MacBook Pro
- USB Type C Hub
- USB 3.0 HUB With Type C Female Charger
- USB C Adapter Card Reader
- Type C Adapter
You also get a free MacBook cooling fan!
9. 3D Optical Illusion Lamp
Who doesn't love a good lamp? They can literally brighten up any room, plus add a lot of character. My apartment isn't huge, so adding light wherever I can is important. These little lamps are super cute, colorful, and come in different shapes in case you don't like dogs (what's wrong with you?)
10. Retro Gaming Phone Case
Listen, we all miss our childhoods. I don't care what you say, but I'm constantly hoping this is all a dream and I'll wake up in 1995 all over again. Part of the reason I want to go back is the complete arsenal of video games we had at our disposal. The classics are still some of my favorites, not this "Candy Crush" business (although please send me tickets I need to get to the next level). This phone case allows you to bring those games with you everywhere, even if the games aren't available on your device. It also protects your phone from bumps and scratches, which is an added bonus.