This Woman Is Knitting Breasts Out Of Wool For Cancer Survivors

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This Woman Is Knitting Breasts Out Of Wool For Cancer Survivors

Making blankets for the sick children at the hospital is a charity many people know about, but Sharon Simpson is knitting for a unique purpose.

One of women's biggest struggles as a survivor of breast cancer can be to get her body back, whether that means growing her hair or drawing in her eyebrows. For women who've undergone a mastectomy or lumpectomy, it can be difficult to regain confidence.

Knitted Knockers is a breast cancer charity founded to make a difference in women's lives. Since women have complained about silicone breast prostheses, they stepped in to provide "soft, comfortable, knit prosthetics for breast cancer survivors."  


Simpson, 54, is one of 300 volunteers who use their knitting for the greater good, producing approximately 300 woollen breasts every month and distributing them to women for free.


Sharon is no stranger to breast cancer, having received treatment for the disease in January 2013. She'll be cancer-free for 5 years in 2018 and hopes her "knitted knockers" help other women as they've helped her.

"My reason and purpose is to make life better for those in the throes of cancer, and that's why I'm doing Knitted Knockers," Sharon said.

She explains: "For a woman, losing a breast can be like losing a part of their identity. Looking in the mirror to see a breast that's either disfigured or not there any more can be quite harrowing."


Not surprisingly, many women have found great healing through the charity's work. Sharon proudly relates a story of one survivor who'd worn oversized tops to hide her flat chest, but once she'd got her knitted knocker, she began wearing all her other clothes again.


Why do women prefer the knitted creations to the NHS prostheses? Sharon explains that they "serve a great purpose, but they are quite sticky, and Knitted Knockers are around a tenth of the weight."

Good job to Sharon and all the folks at Knitted Knockers for helping breast cancer survivors!

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