We've all seen pictures from World War 2. The gritty images of life on the front lines, or the inspiring photos of communities coming together. There's so much captured in those photos. Even the best of those pale in comparison to the sketches from this American Soldier.
At 21 Victor Lundy went overseas to fight for the Allies. During his tours of duty he chronicled what he saw through his sketchbook. Now 92, Lundy has shared his sketchbook with the world, and his visual diary is a must-see.

Most of the pictures were drawn between May and November 1944 when Lundy was injured. He finally had the time to get what he was seeing down onto paper.

He chronicled everything from basic training to craps games with the soldier. All of it feels authentic and intimate. A new look at what we've seen so many times before.
Lundy went on to have a well-regarded architecture career, and he donated 8 of his sketchbooks to the Library of Congress in 2009. They've now been digitally archived and are available for viewing online here.
He says that for him "drawing is synonymous with thinking" meaning that when we see his pictures we're also seeing his thoughts.

That makes the sketchbooks one of the greatest history lessons available, and hopefully one more people will see.