
This Sick Girl's Incredible Voice Is Blowing People Away

If 4-year-old Leah Chapman-Carroll can find something to sing about, then we all can.

This brave little girl has living with a blood condition called neutropenia. She's been through two bone marrow transplants and spent almost a year in the hospital slowly getting better.

Her mom Lindsay says music has been a big source of joy throughout this ordeal, and "Overcomer" by the gospel singer Mandisa is one of Leah's favorite songs. Lindsay recorded her daughter performing an incredible cover of the song from her hospital bed, and since then more than 4 million people have seen Leah's inspirational performance.

Doesn't she have a great voice for someone so small? She's even learned dance moves for the whole song, what a little star.

Lindsay shared this video with Mandisa, along with a special message about how faith and music have helped her daughter:

My daughter has overcome two bone marrow transplants. She has spent the last 322 days away from her family and mostly in the hospital due to complications. However, she has the joy of the Lord and a love for music. Overcomer is one of her all time favs! Someone suggested I share it with you personally! She is such a light to all she meets....I hope she brings a smile to your face, too!

Mandisa saw the message and shared her own with Leah, along with a backstage pass to  one of her concerts:

Leah: You are an overcomer in the truest sense of the word! Seeing the joy of the Lord on your sweet face inspired me so much. I'm praying for you, and believe that many of my friends on here will join me. Keep trusting Jesus, and fight on, precious one.

If you want to see more about Leah's inspiring story, you can follow it on the Facebook page her mother set up. Hopefully this little girl will be back home with her family soon!

Share if you're impressed by Leah's spirit!

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