So you're packing your lunch for work. You make your sandwich, put in a baggie of fruit, take a drink, add your container of moths, maybe some crackers. You're good to go.
Wait, moths?
It's gross, but it's not crazy. And you just might want to start getting used to the idea of eating insects along with your meals.

Populations are booming, space is shrinking, and everyone is looking for cheap and healthy meal options. Look down and behold the billions of insects we ignore every day and you might just find your snack.
Moths are eaten by over 90% of people in some countries in Africa and southeast Asia, and don't go blaming a food shortage either. In South Korea, an industrialized country with a large GDP, silk-moths are sold as street food.
You know, like buying a hot dog or a pretzel.

They're also insanely healthy. Caterpillars, think of them as Moth Veal, contain more than 100% your daily recommended intake of certain minerals like potassium, calcium and iron.
Breakfast of champions.
Before you dismiss it as another crazy fad that will never get started in meat-obsessed North America you might want to do some reading. Over the last few years there have been articles in The Economist, Time and The Huffington Post all saying the same thing: We need more bugs in our diet.