From the moment we come into this world, our parents, teachers and even media instill lessons in us that we carry through the rest of our lives.
The concept of "sharing is caring" is a good example of a behavior that has been ingrained in us from a young age. But, do you ever stop to think that perhaps we might have gotten it wrong?
In a Facebook post that's been circulating the internet, one mom is challenging the norm and teaching her son not to feel obliged to share and she provides a very interesting explanation for her parenting choice.
Alanya Kolberg wants to raise her son Caron, 6, into an independent adult who knows how to set boundaries and say "no" when appropriate.

"The goal is to teach our children how to function as adults. While I do know some adults who clearly never learned how to share as children, I know far more who don't know how to say no to people, or how to set boundaries, or how to practice self-care. Myself included," wrote Alanya.
She described a recent incident at the park where her son was "visibly overwhelmed" and "uncomfortable" after some kids demanded that he share his toys but he couldn't stand up to them without her aid.
"You can tell them no, Carson," Alanya advised. "Just say no. You don't have to say anything else."
Of course her reaction upset the kids and parents at the park but Alanya didn't let that bother her because had it been a situation involving only adults, it would not be as big of a deal.
"If I, an adult, walked into the park eating a sandwich, am I required to share my sandwich with strangers in the park? No!" wrote the mom.
You can read Alanya's entire post on the next page.
While Alanya's take on the concept of sharing amongst children may leave a sour taste in some parents' mouths, her post resonated with plenty of parents who voiced their support.
Many of whom argue that sharing because it is the "right thing to do" can be a negative experience for mild-tempered and shy kids like Carson.
An action that is supposed to teach children to play together and compromise can easily turn into a form of bullying when a kid refuses to relinquish a toy.
One mom thinks it is important for children to learn the "power of rejection" at an early age.
This Facebook user is thankful for being shown a different perspective.
While another user highlights the importance of consent and autonomy.
You can read Alanya's post below and decide for yourself if she is right or not.
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