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This Chicken Can Play The Piano Better Than You

<div><p>It's hard enough learning to play an instrument, but imagine doing it with only your beak!</p><p>We've written before about the <a href="">Flock Stars</a>, America's best (and only) all-chicken rock band, but until now these trained chickens could only bang out a tune on xylophones and baby toys.</p><p>Now Joko, the band's keyboard player, has proven to be a real piano prodigy, and her cover of "America The Beautiful" is proving humans aren't the only species with musical chops. </p><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="XfPBfMGLf9Q"></amp-youtube></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>Shannon Myers, the band's manager and trainer, used a special clicker machine and lots of birdseed rewards to train her birds. Now, she's upgraded to a guided keyboard that lights up, so all Joko has to do is follow along. </p><h3>Share this video if you're impressed with this talented chicken!</h3></div>

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