Gender reveals are becoming a huge trend, and one man found a way to take it to the next level. Two expecting parents received the envelope that would reveal their baby's gender so they had a cake made that would let them know what they were having.
Lindsay and Rothana cut into the cake in front of their family and friends and revealed that it would be a boy! Lindsay was so excited to see the blue icing, she didn't even notice Rothana cutting another piece of cake. It wasn't until the piece was removed that she noticed a small white box inside.
The guests were confused by the surprise in the cake, and one guest even yelled out "Wait, did they put that in there? Are they lying?"
Lindsay looked at the box and asked "What does that mean?", but then Rothana grabbed it and lowered onto one knee and said "I think you know what it means."
Applause and cheers took over the party and Lindsay said yes to his proposal. They had their healthy little baby Neiko in April, but you know everyone is still talking about that gender reveal party!