While a mother's own milk is best for a baby, there are some women who can't breastfeed even if they want to. Some moms produce extremely low amounts of milk and have to rely on formula as a supplement.
While formula provides the required nutrition needed for a baby to grow into a healthy child, pediatricians recommend human milk as an alternative especially when a newborn is underweight or sick.
Many cities have established milk banks to supply babies in need with breast milk obtained from mothers who have too much.

For the lucky moms in New York, the New York Milk Bank is ensuring their babies have a steady supply of breast milk and they're being delivered in the most unique way - via motorcycle.
The Sirens Motorcycle Club of New York City is an-all female biker gang made up of some awesome women who take time from their busy schedules to deliver milk.

According to the milk bank's executive director, Julie Bouchet-Horwitz, in a city as big as NYC, these bikers make it possible to get milk out to about 23 different hospitals as quickly as possible without being held up by traffic.
"I always see these motorcyclists weaving in and out of traffic while we're stuck, and I thought, 'what if milk has to get to a hospital right away?'" she said. "Maybe we should use a motorcycle rider to bring the milk in and out of Manhattan."

The gang which is made up of over 50 women volunteer for various women-oriented organizations every year, so when they saw that the New York Milk Bank needed help, they couldn't refuse.
"We volunteered to deliver the breast milk, because, it's just a humanitarian thing to do," Beth Fletcher, a club member, told BuzzFeed News.

Watch the video below to see some of the badass women in action and the impact their work has had on the milk program.