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These Are The Best And Worst Traits Of Your Zodiac


I can't be alone when I say that I love reading my horoscope. Even if you don't swear by the predictions, it's hard not to fall into the mystique of it all!

Your zodiac sign can say a lot about your personality, for better or for worse. These are the best and worst traits of each zodiac sign. How accurate is yours?  

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

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Positive Traits:

  • Friendly: any Aquarius is most likely blessed with a large amount of friends
  • Humanitarian: Aquarius-born people are always doing their best to make the world a better place
  • Creative: monotony bores them, and they're always trying to find ways to shake things up.
  • Independent: both emotionally and financially, an Aquarius is just fine on their own.
  • Loyal: you will never hear of an Aquarius going back on their word.

Negative Traits:

  • Unpredictable: there's no telling how an Aquarius will react. Their emotions cannot be guessed.
  • Inconsistent: everything depends on their mood, so be ready for anything!
  • Detached: forming connections only ties you down!
  • Stubborn: they'll listen, sure, but changing the mind of an Aquarius is not going to happen.
  • Aloof: they'll become distant for no reason, so be prepared.
  • Extremist: There is no such things as a middle ground for an Aquarius.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

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Positive Traits:

  • Imaginative: thinking outside the box is a strong suit of a Pisces
  • Kind: a Pisces is someone you can always count on to be understanding
  • Compassionate: make friends with a Pisces, as they are always willing to help you out.
  • Intuitive: decision making is easy when you have the intuition of a Pisces.
  • Sensitive: Pisces are affectionate and gentle, if you needed another reason to be friends.
  • Selfless: they're always willing to put others first.

Negative Traits:

  • Escapist: Pisces can often get caught up in their own imagination of what their life is like
  • Over-Sensitive: Pisces can get emotional very quickly
  • Pessimistic: they're always believing the worst, especially when things go wrong.
  • Lazy: Pisces aren't willing to do things that don't have a specific interest to them

Aries (March 21-April 19)

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Positive Traits:

  • Adventurous: taking risks is something an Aries loves to do.
  • Courageous: bravery is something you take pride in!
  • Versatile: variety is the spice of life, and the spice that an Aries loves!
  • Lively: your energy is infectious and cannot be missed
  • Positive: ever wonder why popular people are usually Aries? This is it.
  • Passionate: any project an Aries chooses to take in is something they believe in with all their heart

Negative Traits:

  • Arrogant: Aries believe they know everything, and can be insensitive to other people's emotions for this reason
  • Stubborn: anyone who knows an Aries knows that arguing with them is pretty pointless.
  • Impulsive: along with that impulsive ways comes impatience, as well.
  • Unorganized: a cluttered life is not uncommon
  • Confrontational: Aries love to argue, mainly because of that arrogance we talked about earlier.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

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Positive Traits:

  • Generous: a Taurus will help anyone and everyone in need.
  • Dependable: you can count on a Taurus, which makes them great friends and employees.
  • Down to Earth: never phased by attention or fame, a Taurus is always level-headed.
  • Persistent: failures and setbacks are not a common part of a Taurus's life.

Negative Traits:

  • Stubborn: they are easy-going and respectful, but good luck trying to change a Taurus's mind.
  • Self-indulgent: rude and ignorant of other people's emotions, Tauruses can be all about whatever please them.
  • Lazy: if you don't motivate a Taurus properly, they're not going to move.
  • Possessive: jealousy and resentment are common for Tauruses.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

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Positive Traits:

  • Adjustable: not wanting to miss a thing, Geminis are flexible when it comes to scheduling.
  • Versatile: interests in a wide variety of topics means Geminis are a versatile group.
  • Soft-Spoken: Geminis possess brilliant communication skills.
  • Witty and humorous: you will never be bored in the company of a Gemini.

Negative Traits:

  • Lack of consistency: staying dedicated to one thing for a long period of time is not something a Gemini does well.
  • Superficial: details are not important to a Gemini.
  • Lack of direction: a Gemini will get bored easily.
  • Anxious: taking on a heavy workload is the main source of stress for a Gemini.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

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Positive Traits:

  • Creative: always expect brilliant ideas from them.
  • Spontaneous: their intuition will often take over when making decisions.
  • Faithful: you'll know if a Cancer loves you because they'll always be loyal to you.
  • Emotional: their emotions are on their sleeve, and you'll never be left guessing.

Negative Traits:

  • Moody: mood swings are a large part of a Cancer's personality, so watch out.
  • Pessimistic: they'll abandon ship if things start to go wrong.
  • Suspicious: imaginary fear will start to creep in, and a Cancer will question everything.
  • Clingy: moving on can be hard for a Cancer, and they'll want to hold on as long as they can.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

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Positive Traits:

  • Energetic: since Leos are ruled by the sun, energy makes sense!
  • Optimistic: the glass is always half full!
  • Straightforward: honesty is something you can expect from a Leo. You won't hear them sugarcoat anything.
  • Loyal: you can count on a Leo's loyalty, as long as you give yours in return.

Negative Traits:

  • Headstrong: you'll have to work hard to change the mind of a Leo.
  • Possessive: Leos are prone to jealousy, especially in relationships.
  • Impatient: everything they want, they want right now.
  • Arrogant: Leos are self-centered, and believe themselves to be kings (or queens!).

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

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Positive Traits:

  • Watchful: attention to detail is a Virgo's strong suit!
  • Practical: everything is analyzed before a Virgo completes it, with nothing left up to the imagination
  • Analytical: Virgos would make great detectives, as they love solving mysteries.
  • Trustworthy: count on a Virgo to do their best to follow through on whatever they say.

Negative Traits:

  • Overcritical: Virgos think they know how things should be, and they won't accept it any other way.
  • Harsh: there's no sugar-coating when it comes to a Virgo's criticism.
  • Fussy: Virgos get stuck on details and get fussy when they're not completed properly!
  • Conservative: modern ideas? No thanks.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

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Positive Traits:

  • Tactful: they are experts in getting things done.
  • Romantic: dating a Libra is a sure-fire way to get a romantic relationship!
  • Just: fairness and justice are highly valued by Libras.
  • Diplomatic: listening to different points of view patiently and politely is a strength of the Libra.

Negative Traits:

  • Detached: fake pleasantries are not uncommon from Libras, as they don't want to make anyone feel bad.
  • Unreliable: because Libras change their minds so often, they can be bad for breaking promises.
  • Indecisive: Libra-born people struggle with making decisions.
  • Superficial: they can get so attached to outer beauty, Libra's often forget what's on the inside.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

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Positive Traits:

  • Focused: diverting a Scorpio from their task is nearly impossible.
  • Brave: Scorpios will do whatever it takes to solve a problem, no matter how difficult.
  • Ambitious: they are motivated by power, money, and position.
  • Intuitive: Scorpios can easily pick up on what others are thinking or feeling.

Negative Traits:

  • Jealous: Scorpios can become possessive over both people and things.
  • Secretive: untrusting of others, Scorpios keep to themselves.
  • Resentful: Scorpios can easily be hurt by negative treatment and comments.
  • Manipulative: they love to dominate, so Scorpios will do what they can to take over a situation.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

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Positive Traits:

  • Straightforward: they will tell you the truth and be upfront about anything!
  • Intellectual: conversations with a Sagittarius are often impressive.
  • Philosophical: their sense of right and wrong is very well-developed.
  • Large-hearted: they will be some of the most generous people you meet.

Negative Traits:

  • Careless: a Sagittarius is prone to taking things for granted.
  • Tactless: their straight-shooting nature can often lead to over-doing it with the honesty.
  • Impatient: they'll push things too hard if it's not going as fast as they want.
  • Over-confident: under the impression that they're perfect, a Sagittarius may come off as arrogant.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

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Positive Traits:

  • Practical: any and all facts are looked at before making a decision.
  • Wise: maturity and sensibility make Capricorns as wise as can be.
  • Patient: they know that good things come to those who wait.
  • Disciplined: their lofty goals require dedication.

Negative Traits:

  • Pessimistic: they won't go against the odds, knowing it probably won't work out.
  • Stubborn: their views are their views, and there's no changing that.
  • Shy: only the best of friends are the ones that Capricorns want to hang out with.

Were your traits accurate?

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