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There's No Way You Can Finish This Video Without Laughing

<div><p>Cats: they're light on their feet, graceful, and seem like they can turn themselves into water when they need to slide past something.</p><p>Well, most cats, that is.</p><p>Some cats are designed to be lovable and snuggly, not like their fit, king-of-the-jungle ancestors. These are the cats who would rather catch the food you drop than the birds in your backyard, and their waistline reflects that.</p><p>But they still need to go out and see the world sometimes, and if the only way they can do that is by sliding through your itty-bitty cat door, then they'll do it.</p><div><div><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="iQi_6iA4jdU"></amp-youtube></div></div></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>I'm not sure what's funnier, the way these kitties scramble to get inside, or the goofy music playing in the background.</p><p>Be honest, how far did you make it into the video before you burst out laughing? If you need another dose of chubby cats, <a href="">we have you covered</a>. </p><p>Meanwhile, if your cat is struggling to get through the door,<a href=""> try some of these tips instead</a>.</p><p><strong>Share this video if you love cats, no matter what size they are!</strong></p></div>

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