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There's A Brand New Creme Egg Coming This Easter And You Need To Try It

Just when you thought you'd be eating the same old boring candy this Easter, something wonderful happens. Last year, the chocolate-lovers world went into a frenzy over Oreo Creme Eggs, but you're in for a real treat with this year's addition.

Reese's has just announced the release of their new Peanut Butter Creme Eggs, available for purchase at Walmart for $4!


Each egg includes a hard milk chocolate shell stuffed with Reese's creamy peanut butter filling. You'll even have a little spoon to scoop out the peanut butter! It's not surprising that people already can't get enough of it.

I think we can all agree that the combination of chocolate and peanut butter is to die for. We can't wait to sink our teeth into this one!


Let us know - would you like to try Reese's new creme egg?

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