Chris Pratt and Anna Farris have broken up, and now we're searching for a new Hollywood couple to put all our hopes for love on. After all, dating is hard, relationships are work, and watching two of our favorite stars look lovingly into each other's eyes makes it all seem worth it.
If they can find love, so can we. That's why celebrity couples mean so much to us.
Although Pratt and Farris might be dust in the wind, there are still a lot of other famous pairings that will keep us gossiping. Some have stood the test of time so far, but others are bound to fail.
We look to the stars to help us predict who is the next big celebrity split.
Jessica Biel/Justin Timberlake

Signs: Pisces/Aquarius
These signs sit side by side on the Zodiac wheel, and can have quite a bit in common, that's not always a good thing. Even though they have some similarities Pisces and Aquarius don't always make a good match, in fact they often don't.
Biel and Timberlake have been around for awhile. They reportedly started dating back in 2007 and the public couldn't have been happier. They both are fabulously good-looking and many people loved how the two huge stars kept their lives private.

In 2011 the public was upset to hear of a split between the two, but they managed to mend fences and just recently celebrated their wedding anniversary. So are there are more storm clouds in this couple's future?
Probability of a split: 50/50

They've been around a long time, and seem to manage their fame well, but it's always a red flag when a couple breaks apart for an extended period of time. Coming together again can mean both sides are stronger, or it can mean they delayed the inevitable. For our sake let's hope these two stars keep shining brightly together.
Sarah Jessica Parker/ Matthew Broderick

Signs: Aries/Pisces
Aries likes to start new projects and Pisces is great at being flexible. That's why these two signs work. However Aries can also be insensitive, and Pisces always care about how another feels. That's good news right? Maybe not. Aries can take off and carry Pisces with them, but if Pisces neglects themselves for too long there could be trouble.

This helps explain how Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick have been so successful, having been married for 20 years. She's created one of TV's most legendary and groundbreaking roles, and Broderick is still famous for being a boy-faced charmer. If Broderick was like many other egotistical Hollywood-leading men this match wouldn't have worked, but Broderick put his wife first and we couldn't be happier about it.

Probability of a split: 1/99
Twenty years has gone by and the relatively private couple seem happier than ever. If Broderick was going to feel outshone by Parker it would have happened by now, which means this couple found the perfect way to balance themselves.
Blake Shelton/Gwen Stefani

Signs: Gemini/Libra
Gemini and Libra have instant sparks, but while hot fires burn brightly, they also burn out quicker. Libra needs to be together, Gemini likes to be together...until they don't. A Gemini man is clever and charming and as long as he's trying to figure out his partner he'll be theirs. Eventually he will though, and what happens then is anyone's guess.

Shelton might be the textbook case of womanizing Gemini. Charming, handsome, he's had some of the most beautiful ladies on his arm...for awhile. Stefani fell under his spell and the two seem to be great together, but holding his interest isn't easy. Stefani has always been a trailblazer though, and if anyone can do it she can.
Probability of a split: 80/20

The stars don't like this couple's chances. Shelton has proven himself a wanderer, and Stefani won't take his ways for long.
More predictions on the next page!
Ashton Kutcher/Mila Kunis

Signs: Aquarius/Leo
Rest easy folks! We've found our next hope for love. Aquarius and Leo match each other on almost every level. Professionally, creatively and in their personal lives, these couples tend to agree and get along better than almost any other match. They work best when they have something to accomplish together.

Which is exactly what they have now. After welcoming a baby into their home these two stars will be raising one of the luckiest children in the world. Kutcher is also very active on the charity scene and no doubt has Kunis's support.
Probability of a split: 10/90

I would say that there's no chance of a split between these two, but that's just asking for trouble. As it stands they are at the very least years away from a breakup. It's hard to think of any two people that are happier together than these two.
David Beckham/Victoria Beckham

Signs: Taurus/Aries
Aries takes charge and is flaky, Taurus is stubborn to a fault, but very loyal. The writing is on the wall for the end of an enduring relationship which has captivated us for years.
Many Hollywood relationships burn out fast, but lately we're also seeing long-standing ones come to an end. Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, to name a couple of pairs that ended after a decade or more. The Beckham's have had an up-hill struggle, but were probably too stubborn to give into the challenges of being a famous family. As their children grow up and move out, look for David and Victoria to split up and search for happiness elsewhere.

Probability of a split: 80/20
I would expect this mega-pair to be broken up within 5 years. David is too stubborn to let go while they are still raising their kids, but Victoria won't stay in a relationship she isn't happy with any longer than she has to.
Kurt Russel/Goldie Hawn

Signs: Pisces/Sagittarius
Sagitarrius is a sign that's ruled by fun and humor. Makes sense when you look at Goldie Hawn. Pisces, like we said, is empathetic and will play off of whatever their partner is giving them. Sagitarrius will over promise and run away with their thoughts, but Pisces stays more grounded. It's a great match of two signs that compliment each other, but there's always a catch. The biggest risk between a couple like this is that both sides grow bored, and here's what that means for this couple.

Kurt Russel an Goldie Hawn are the longest running couple on this list, but they've never been married. That's not to say they aren't committed. The two have been famous together, and fallen off the radar together. They've even raised their own Hollywood star. Few people have had as many interesting things happen to them, and that's likely the key to their longevity.
Probability of a split: 1/99

Leave it to these two to make things interesting, but I'm willing to bet that they keep entertaining each other and us with their romance, not their drama.