There aren't many things more embarrassing than sending a bad text or email to the wrong person. We've definitely all been there.
But I'm just glad that none of mine were as bad as this.
1. How much worse would this have been if the prof's name was Matt...
2. Get it together, Rachel.
3. If that doesn't get you the job, I don't know what will.
4. Thank you for the clarification.
5. Context is KEY.
6. Is it bad that I laughed? Because I absolutely did.
7. Was it good, though?
8. My dude Kevin coming through.
9. "Huge Mistake" is an understatement.
10. There's no coming back from this one.
11. How often are you saying McCheese?
12. He was changing the sounds like he was ending his life.
13. Okay, but I want this scooter.
14. You did say soft copy.
15. I don't think Dr. Pepper makes you this crazy.
16. I guess people sometimes send unfinished emails.
17. No really.
What's the worst accidental email or text you've ever sent?