You would think that of all the places that a teacher would be respected, it would be inside a school, surrounded by fellow educators. Especially when they were gathered to try and raise funds for the students. But unfortunately for Deyshia Hargrave, she was about to be rudely yanked into the real world.
When Hargrave, who teaches art at a middle school in Louisiana, was speaking to her school board during a question and answer period, she found herself in the middle of a controversy.
Her and many other teachers had come to the meeting to complain about the lack of pay increase for educators in the district over the past few years, and brought to the attention of administrators the difficulty in carrying out their tasks.
They said it was especially hurtful, since the superintendent had just received a raise thanks to their hard work this past year.
But when she mentioned this to the board, she was immediately, and violently shut down.
Hargrave had been speaking during the "public comments" portion of the meeting, when she brought up the fact that the superintendent was preventing them from receiving a pay raise. The superintendent had himself just had his pay increased by $38,000 by the board.
"For a superintendent or any person in a position of leadership getting any type of raise, I feel like it's a slap in the face for teachers, cafeteria workers and any other support staff we have," she said.
While she was calmly asking questions, a police officer approached her and told her she had to leave the room. Though at first she ignored him, asking the board why she was being removed, she eventually complied.
Only minutes later, she was tackled to the ground outside the board room, taken outside to a police car, and arrested.

It was unclear why the officer placed Hargrave into custody, though the school board has announced that no charges will be pressed at this time.
The teacher's union will be holding a rally to protest the Hargrave's arrest, and to bright light to the issues she had raised.