The long-awaited sequel to Space Jam is actually happening!
James' SpringHill Entertainment announced on Wednesday that the live action/cartoon feature starring Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny is indeed getting a sequel, and Lebron James is going to step into Michael Jordan's shoes as the film's star. Here is the first photo they have shared with the world!
With that kind of star power in front of the camera, it's not surprising to learn that some of Hollywood's most popular creators will be joining the movie behind the scenes. Terence Nance is slated to direct and Ryan Coogler will produce the film. You may know Ryan Coogler from blockbuster hit Black Panther!
There's no word on exactly who will appear in the movie other than LeBron. These days so many athletes have branched out into entertainment and film that the chances of getting good acting performances out of charismatic stars seems high.