They say behind every great man is a woman, but there might be two behind this one. After being awarded the Man of the Match soccer player Mohammed Anas from Ghana thanked the two most important women in his life: his wife and his girlfriend.
"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, my wife," he stammered after realizing his mistake. "I love you so much."
Because it's 2017 no mistake made on video stays hidden. The video went viral and has now been seen by over 2.5 million people on Twitter alone. Anas is a household name, whether he wants to be or not.

Apparently he's not too worried about being in hot water back at home. After finding out that his mistake made headlines he said:
"I love her so much. She's given me two beautiful children. She is fine. She knows what kind of man I am so I am not worried."
Is it an innocent slip of the tongue or did Anas just out himself on international television. I guess it doesn't matter what we think, it'll all depend on how well he apologizes to his wife (and/or girlfriend).