One of the big downsides of social media is that everyone's life seems so perfect.
People share pictures of their happy families and announcements about their new jobs.
Which is why it's so refreshing when people capture hilarious fails - this is what real life is actually like.
If you're feeling down just remember that it could be worse. This could be you:
1. It's not supposed to do that?

2. "Oh my gosh, is he okay in there?"

3. He's fine - he can doggy paddle

4. Life is trying to send you a sign... a bad one

5. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened

6. I think dinner's ready

7. Well, technically it's unlocked

8. I hope you got that on sale

9. Be glad it wasn't a hairball

If cats make you smile you'll love these photos of felines in trouble.
10. Some pictures just tell a story

11. Who knew bees were such messy eaters

12. Shocking behavior

13. Amen

Think that was funny? Wait until you see these celebrity tattoo fails.
14. Your day can only get better after this

15. Close enough

16. Yoink!

17. You had one job

That's just a taste of our hilarious cake fails list.
18. Does this cake taste funny to you?

19. "I said hold on tight - kids just don't listen."

20. The instructions weren't very clear

21. What we have here is a failure to communicate

22. He hit the ooze button

23. Don't get your hopes up

24. I have a few questions

25. Some fails are actually pretty impressive

26. We've all had mornings like this

27. That's a smidge too much

Want to feel a little better about your cooking skills? Have a laugh at these incredible cooking fails.
28. Oh you didn't see the sign?

29. How cold is your fridge?

30. Is that bad?

31. It's toast

32. Whole meal's blow now

33. Bad bird

34. At least the cat seems happy

35. Well, now the house is clean

36. You can't make an omelette without... well, you know

37. Good luck getting that down

38. Bamboobled

Compared to some of these hilarious dog photos, this pooch is downright dignified.
39. It has a rich, smokey flavor

40. That says it all, really

41. Yeah, the warranty won't cover that

42. I see a sign in your future - it's bad

43. It wasn't meant to do that?

44. Five second rule

45. "I know I'm forgetting something..."

46. A spot right in front, how lucky

47. AND we forgot to pack drinks

48. Are you going to finish your soda?

49. A for effort, but C for spelling

50. It's like that sometimes

Which fail was the funniest?