If I had to pick one junk food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be potato chips and it wouldn't even be close.
You may not choose potato chips, and that's okay, but did you know the food you do choose actually reveals what kind of person you are?
It's true, and you should trust me because I eat a lot of junk food so I know what I'm talking about.
First, pick the snack food you find yourself craving all the time.
1. Potato Chips

So many flavors, so much deliciousness.
2. Tortilla Chips and Salsa

Nothing says "party time" like chips and salsa.
3. Cheesies

It's really like two snacks in one. The original cheesies, and then the dust you lick off your fingers.
4. Pretzels

I'm not saying I judge you if these are your favorite food, I'm just saying you could save money by just eating the boxes your Amazon purchases come it.
5. Sour Candy

It hurts so good! Come on baby, make it hurt so good!
6. Chocolate

A classic. In the words of Taylor Swift, we never go out of style.
7. Ice Cream

Amazing in the summer, somehow better in the winter.
8. Gummy Candy

Worms, bears, sharks, gummyness of all varieties.
9. Baked Goods

If you could basically live inside a Starbucks pastry display, then this is the one you should choose.
10. Fast-Food

Deep-fried, salty, delicious, heart-clogging fast food.
Do you have your choice? Time to find out what it means.
1. Potato Chips

Those who often eat potato chips are not only successful, but also hold themselves to high standards (which they always reach.) They also love reaping the reward of their success by buying the fancy chips.
2. Tortilla Chips and Salsa

If chips and salsa are your jam, it means you get frustrated with the inequities in society and are a perfectionist. It also means you are organized, dependable, and 300 times more likely to complain about the thickness of a tortilla chip in relation to the weight of the salsa.
3. Cheesies

It may seem counter-intuitive, but if love Cheesies, it means you have a lot of integrity and an affinity for manners. Yes, those who lick their fingers to eat leftover cheese dust are more likely to take the moral high-ground, and have a deep sense of right and wrong.
4. Pretzels

Unlike their snack choice, which is about as dry as an old contact lens, those who eat pretzels are lively, energetic, and the life of the party. They love dressing up for parties and being in large groups. Pretzel lovers also enjoy listening to talk radio, but who am I to judge the "life of the party?"
5. Sour Candy

Sour candy-lovers probably post on social media way more than they should, and love the attention that comes with it. They can be a little flaky during the hard times, but it's probably because their mouths hurts from all those Sour Patch kids!
6. Chocolate

You are a classic. Anyone who loves chocolate is non-problematic. You're organized, and live by the mantra of "treat yo' self." Phrases often uttered by chocolate lovers include "that was so decadent!!" "I'll take the rest home, I ate too much bread when we got here," and "I could eat a whole candy store right now and not even blink."
7. Ice Cream

You're pretty shy around strangers but around your friends you're the exact opposite. That being said, you love eating ice cream because it's as cold as your heart, plus we all know that frozen calories don't count so it's FINE.
8. Gummy Candy

Gummy candy-lovers need constant validation, which is why they enter way too many online contests. They have a ton of friends and always love planning exciting outings together, even though it may not always be the smartest idea.
9. Baked Goods

Your friends always come to you for advice, because you are an extremely old soul. Your love for baked goods is ingrained deep in your heart, and even just the act of baking makes you happy. Or maybe you love baking because it means you're about to eat baked goods? Feels like a chicken and the egg situation...
10. Fast Food

You are a social butterfly, and love meeting new people. You associate fast food with going out, which is why you always crave it. You've been known to over-indulge on your alcohol consumption, but you just eat your leftover burger the next morning to cure the hangover.