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Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/allysonk/169422054/sizes/z/
A stack of neck rings in front of a picture of women wearing them.
Source: http://expatior.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Display-of-Ethel-Granger-in-the-Museum-of-Enduring-Beauty-Melaka-Malaysia.jpg
A display of a woman's waist the Museum of Enduring Beauty
Source: http://tripfreakz.com/galleries/museum-of-enduring-beauty-malacca/me02.jpg
A woman wearing bound shoes to make sure her feet stay small.
Source: http://tripfreakz.com/galleries/museum-of-enduring-beauty-malacca/me04.jpg
A poster of what bound feet look like.
Source: http://www.mangovine.net/images/uploads/beauty-museum-3.jpg
A bust who has a round disc insertion.