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She Was Leaving Spain And Spent $10,000 On Cats

We've all gone a little overboard on vacation spending.

"Oh, another t-shirt won't hurt...Sure, I'll buy this weird fridge magnet!"

But have you ever gone on vacation and spent $10,000 on 41 cats? Because Laura Inglis did.

Ok, so she wasn't vacationing, but Inglis had spent 8 years in Spain as a project analyst. She began adopting injured or abandoned cats she would find near her home. When it was time to move back to Scotland, Inglis didn't want to leave her 41 cats behind.

"I could not bear to leave them there because they had all been through such a traumatic time already and most likely they would not survive," she said.

Laura spent $10,000 to ship all 41 cats back to her home in Edinburgh.

"So now I am in Edinburgh with 41 cats, which is not really suitable because I live in the city centre near to busy roads, therefore I am now in the process of finding each and every one of them a safe and loving home. However, before I can rehome any of them, I need to make sure that all are de-wormed and de-flead and that they have blood tests and inoculations in order to ensure they remain in good health."

Laura spends about $780 on food for the cats every month, and it will be an additional $100 for the tests needed before each cat can be adopted out.

"I am not a charity and I do not receive any assistance financially from any charities or other cat organisations. Everything I have previously done and still do for the cats has been paid out of my own pocket. I do not qualify for any aid here because I work and therefore I am not classed as on a low income - even although I am almost destitute with paying for food and vet bills."

Laura Inglis is hoping she'll be able to find homes or each cat so she can feel comforted knowing they're safe.

If you think you might be able to help Laura out, you can reach her on her Facebook page.

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