The world may know a lot about the tumultuous life of the iconic Hollywood starlet Marilyn Monroe, but there are some aspects of it that remained under wraps for a very long time.
One of these being her alleged pregnancy in 1960.

The Some Like It Hot actress was reportedly carrying a child during the filming of The Misfits, in which she starred alongside Clark Gable and Montgomery Cliff.

At the time of Monroe's supposed pregnancy, she was married to playwright Arthur Miller, but according to Daily Mail, he wasn't the baby's father. It is believed that Italian-French actor Yves Montand, who Marilyn had an affair with after meeting on the set of Let's Make Love, is the father.
As for proof of the star's pregnancy? The news site revealed that Monroe's confidante Frieda Hull was in possession of a series of photographs that clearly show Monroe sporting a bump.
Following Hull's death, the 'pregnancy slides' were included in an auction and one of her neighbors, Tony Michaels, scooped them up for $2,240 knowing that their value will increase once people know their backstory.
Michaels shared copies of the photographs with Daily Mail, and now we too can take a peek at them.
"Frieda was very proud of those slides and she was very proud to keep them a secret until the day she died," Michaels told Daily Mail.
According to him, the photos were taken by Hull on July 8, 1960 outside Fox Studios in New York City.
Take a look:

Michaels told the website that Frieda believed Monroe when Marilyn went to the hospital to be treated for exhaustion while filming The Misfits, she was actually admitted for suffering a nervous breakdown following her miscarriage.

He added that the pregnancy was visible during the last scenes of Let's Make Love, but because of the miscarriage, Monroe didn't appear to have a bump by the end of The Misfits.

So why is Michaels only coming forward with this information now?
He simply thinks "the story needs to be told."
What do you think? Is Michaels telling the truth?