Punctuation is an integral part of our language, but too many times people don't use it properly. Whether it's a missed comma, a misused apostrophe, or inappropriate quotation marks, people don't pay attention to punctuation as much as they should.
Especially these people.
1. This sounds illegal.
2. It must have been some damn good breakfast.
3. Finally, some work for the cinnamon rolls.
4. Maybe it's time to find a new school.
5. I don't think this is a medical condition, just common sense.
6. Before my eyes what?
7. Doesn't look like I'm going to "eat here" again.
8. Grab the video camera! Parasailing horses sound like a new viral hit!
9. You might want to delete this before the police come looking.
10. Why are you touching the pedestrians?
11. That is certainly a specific type of child.
12. What is this even trying to say?
13. This is dark.
14. If Satan is going to be there, I certainly won't be.
15. But not professional spell-checkers, apparently.
16. I guess they had to call in outside help.
17. "Why?"
What's the worst punctuation mistake you've ever seen?