It's hard enough to learn how to be the kind of mom you want to be on your own, let alone when everyone and anyone you meet tries to tell you the so-called "better" way to do it. It's frustrating and difficult because everyone's life is completely different.
Dove has been known to make some interesting campaigns in the past, and are continuing to try to make all women feel like they deserve a voice.
They started this ad campaign by asking people what they thought a perfect mom was by posting a picture of a perfectly composed woman holding a baby.
Is there a perfect mum? Tell us what you think #realmums
— Baby Dove (@BabyDoveUKI) April 3, 2017
The replies they got helped inspire their commercial which featured a bunch of different moms in completely different situations trying to be the best parent they can be. No two are alike, but each is just as valid and good.
"The 'Perfect Mum' experiment addresses a real issue in society: images of seemingly perfect parenting in the media and social media are denting mum's confidence to be herself," said Baby Dove brand manager Marcus Buck. "In reality, there's no 'right' or 'wrong' way to be a parent, just your way. That's why it's important for parents everywhere to trust their instincts and feel confident in their own parenting abilities, rather than worry about how well others seem to be doing it."

The commercial is powerful and well done (even though I don't know how it connects to Dove in general). Hopefully it will help moms feel like they are doing just fine, even when everyone else is making them feel bad.