It's standard procedure for arresting officers to fill out witness statements during criminal cases. In England, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) sent a request to all the arresting officers involved in a particular case to complete their witness statements and submit them in a timely manner.
When one statement didn't come through, the CPS diligently followed-up with another request, demanding a statement from Officer PC Peach.
While it normally wouldn't have been a problem, there was one small detail that prevented the officer from filing a statement - he's a dog.
Even after several other officers informed CPS that PC peach is actually PD Peach (PD for police dog), CPS continued to demand a statement.
So, Officer Peach and his handler, decided to give the CPS exactly what they wanted...
After CPS demanded a witness statement from Officer Peach, the very good boy gave them exactly what they asked for (with the help of his handler).
In his statement, he filled in his name, age and signature beside an oath, promising that his statement was true. Since PD Peach is a dog, his handler wrote it out for him.
The statement is simply hilarious and expertly sums up exactly what happened in a clear and concise manner.
Here's what PD Peach says:
It was pretty obvious that the "witness statement" was a funny joke. The West Midlands Police station pinned the "statement" up on the wall to share a little laugh with others.
It was posted on a cop humor page on Facebook, but was later deleted. The West Yorkshire police force shared it on Twitter, which was re-tweeted over 150 times.
Unfortunately, CPS failed to see the humor and now the West Midland Police's Professional Standards Department is investigating.
PD Peache's handler, PC Mark Tissington has referred himself to the internal discipline unit, but sources tell Daily Mail that he likely won't be reprimanded.
What do you think? Should CPS get a sense of humor, or does this really warrant an investigation?