The miracle of life just became a little more miraculous ever since moms started planting their own placentas.
This new trend comes a few months after one mother turned her placenta into chocolate truffles and flaunted her creation on social media, mortifying many people around the world.

In fact, eating placenta isn't uncommon.
This organ, which supplies nutrients to our babies, has been turned into smoothies and cakes.
It's jam-packed with nutrients, but I think it's safe to assume that it's definitely an acquired taste.
And if you think that's weird, then you definitely haven't heard about people dehydrating their placentas to ingest like a capsule.
There's also people who have turned their placentas into decorations and pieces of jewelry.
Who would have thought so much could be done with this small organ! Of course, you would never hear stories about people digesting another organ. That would be called cannibalism.
Usually, placentas are discarded as medical waste. But for parents who don't want to get rid of this organ, and don't want to do anything strange with it, they're using it to create another new life.
"Create life with life"
The Bios Capsule is a biodegradable device that is separated into two sections.
The top part has a lot of space, and it's where you can add soil and plant the seed.
At the bottom, you add the placenta with some regular soil.
This idea was inspired from the Bios Urn, which was used to turn cremated ashes into new life.
Now a company called Happy Birth Tree has changed up the device to cater to people who want to "create life with life."
The idea came from a man named Bryce Roberts, whose rottweiler died of cancer.
"This tree will celebrate [your baby's] life, becoming a part of you, a part of your baby and a part of the family," a statement on their website said.
"The tree will have the same age of your child and will grow side by side with him. You will be able to spend precious time, creating more fond memories with your little one as you both nurture it and watch the plant grow leaf by leaf, every budding flower a little celebration of their lives."
What's lovely about this invention is that you can choose what kind of seedling to grow.
Below, you can see one happy mom with her baby and Bios Capsule.
"We can't wait to see it flourish and grow stronger and stronger, together with [baby] Ethan," the Facebook post reads.
Honoured to introduce little baby Ethan and mum Emma, together with Bryce, co-founder of this page. Mum Emma is going to...
Posted by Happy Birth Tree on Thursday, July 5, 2018
Currently, the Bios Capsule costs roughly $200, but it's definitely worth it if you're looking for a creative way to commemorate the birth of your child.
Do you think this is a good idea?
One mother became "spiritually attached" to her placenta. Click here to read more about the story. The photos will definitely make you scratch your head in confusion.
[H/T: Metro / Daily Mirror]