We're all aware that the internet is home to some pretty strange trends. Year after year, we can count on social media users to come up with new trends that are mostly entertaining, but occasionally weird.
More recently, divorce selfies have been all the rage.
Couples have been taking photos of themselves before, after or during a divorce and posting them online to commemorate the end of their marriages.
These ex-lovers are not trying to romanticize divorce, they're taking these photos to show others that it can be amicable. While some of the selfies are awkward (obviously), others are downright bittersweet.
Here are 15 of our favorite divorce selfies:
Then there are the awkward ones that will make you cringe hard. Just wait till you see them.



Keep on reading for more divorce selfies including the couple who posed with Bill Murray!
What're your thoughts on this divorce selfie trend? Let us know in the comments!