For centuries, people across the globe have practiced yoga to release stress, connect with their inner spirit, and stay fit. Over the years, western practitioners began to modernize the meditation exercise and these days there are some pretty out of the ordinary types of yoga out there.
You've probably heard of beer yoga, aerial yoga and even goat yoga, but just when you thought you had seen it all, a new type makes it debut.
We've recently heard about yoga with horses and it was hard to wrap our heads around the idea until we saw the pictures on Angela Nunez's Instagram page.

The yoga teacher has a passion for horses, yoga and travelling and currently works as a registered yoga instructor with over 200 hours of teaching under her belt.
Nunez says she started practicing horse yoga about 4 years ago with a pony names Sugar Maple. Unfortunately, the horse passed away, but now the yogi practices with Snowy, Sugar's grandson.

Click on the next page to see a video of Nunez posing with her four-legged yoga partner.
There are many reasons why Nunez prefers doing yoga with a horse.
"I love simply being with the horses and slipping into their calm, aware consciousness," Nunez explains. There's something at once grounding and other-worldly about being in the presence of these graceful, wise creatures."
"The more I practiced yoga with Snowy, the more I realized how much it was affecting our relationship," she told Mashable. "Practicing yoga with him increased the trust we already had."
Nunez's untypical style of yoga has earned her over 10,000 followers on Instagram and lots of media attention, but it turns out she's not the only one into horse yoga.
Check out these images of people practicing yoga with their horses:

Would you try yoga with a horse? Let us know in the comments!