Losing a child is the most painful thing a parent can experience. The pain intensifies if the cause of death was extremely preventable.
For 14-year-old Madison Coe's parents, they are left reeling after their daughter died unexpectedly last week.
"I call her my shining star," Donna O'Guinn, Madison's grandmother, said. "She was very smart. Very good student in school. She just loved life."
So how does this happen? How does a 14-year-old girl die simply by charging her phone?
Continue reading to find out what happened to Madison Coe.
Coe was at her father's house in New Mexico when she decided she wanted to take a bath. She took her time, but after a while, her dad went to check on her and let her know it was time to finish up.
"[Her father] found her. He had knocked on the door to tell her it was time to get out [of the tub] and she said, "˜Okay,' " Coe's mother, Angela O'Guinn-Downs, says. "He went back 20 minutes later, she didn't respond and he went in."
When her dad came into the bathroom, Madison was already dead.
According to officials, Madison was electrocuted in the bathtub. She either plugged in the phone while she was in the tub, or picked up the phone which was already plugged in. Either way, the mix of water and electricity immediately electrocuted the young girl.
"There was a burn mark on her hand, the hand that would have grabbed the phone," O'Guinn said. "That was just very obvious that that's what had happened."
Madison's family has been struck with tragedy, but they're hoping other teens will learn from Madison's death.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE share and bring awareness!! A friend of a friend put this together. I don't even know this person and they are helping to bring awareness to their kids and everyone else's!
Posted by Angela O'Guinn Downs on Monday, July 10, 2017
"This is such a tragedy that doesn't need to happen to anyone else," O'Guinn told KCBD. "We want something good to come out of this as awareness of not using your cell phone in the bathroom as it is plugged in and charging."
If you would like to donate to Madison Coe's family to pay for funeral costs, you can do so here.