Being a parent is one of the most stressful jobs there is.
Along with looking after your little ones, you're also responsible for caring for yourself.
But taking your eye off your children for even a second can have tragic consequences.
A young mother named Kayla Rudichuk is sharing her daughter's story, in the hopes that someone else can learn from the accident that almost took her life.
"I could just hear the panic in her voice."

The mom-of-two from Alberta, Canada was grocery shopping late last month, while her two young daughters were being watched by their grandparents.
Everything was fine at first, as two-year-old Jaclyn Derks built a pillow fort with her older sister.
Then, Rudichuk got a call from her mother, the kind every parent dreads: "I could just hear the panic in her voice. She told me Jaclyn was being rushed to the hospital."
Rudichuk raced to the hospital, and "broke down" after seeing her daughter surrounded by emergency workers.
"There was so much blood. My baby was in tears, bawling, she was so scared," she remembered.
"I'd never seen such a helpless little girl in my whole life. She was bleeding profusely."
"In that moment I didn't know whether or not my child was gonna be alive."
Incredibly, Jaclyn's injuries were caused by nothing more than bad luck.
"[She] was just playing and she placed her hand in the wrong place at the wrong time and there was a glass sitting ... on the floor and she landed on it and it went right into her neck," her mother said.
"It's just been an emotional roller coaster. It's a nightmare."
Rudichuk waited nervously while doctors removed glass from her little girl's neck.
"That was the most anxiety-filled, crazy experience time of my life. In that moment I didn't know whether or not my child was gonna be alive," she said.
Thankfully, Jaclyn pulled through. But her spinal cord was partially severed by the broken glass.
Twice a day since her surgery, the toddler has been put through rigorous physical therapy to repair her body.
"She knows she's sick and needs to get better," said Rudichuk. "She's in really high spirits which is awesome."
"My once normal, spunky, crazy, fun, monkey is never going to be like that ever again."
While little Jaclyn is a trooper, watching her daughter struggle to walk or even move her left arm is difficult for Rudichuk.
"That's when I get the most emotional because even though it's so positive and so good, it's a realization that this what the rest of my life is going to be like," she explained.
"My once normal, spunky, crazy, fun, monkey is never going to be like that ever again."
While she's making progress, slowly, Jaclyn's injury is so rare doctors can only compare it to one previous case from Turkey.
Today, Jaclyn still depends on braces to walk, and may never regain full control of her legs.
A close friend of Rudichuk's, Amanda Lane, has set up a GoFundMe to cover the cost of the toddler's treatment.
"She's been always there for us so we just did what we do and we come together and help Kayla out," said Lane.
While her daughter's case is serious, Rudichuk remains optimistic.
"Jackie is one resilient little angel and the progress is better and better every day," she said. "We love and thank you all so much for all of your support, prayers and love."
Rudichuk is also cautioning other parents to watch their children carefully.
"Pay as close attention as you can to your babies and keep them close because you never know what can happen."