Have you ever had your bike stolen? It's probably one of the singularly most frustrating experiences you can encounter. Chances are, if you've got a bike locked up outside your building, it means you use it a LOT to get around and go about your day, and that's even before you factor in the cost of what you probably spend on accessories and a lock for it.

It's one of the most common kinds of theft in heavily populated areas, and it always feels so pointless too. Bikes don't exactly fetch a lot of money, so what's the point of stealing them? Just because you felt like it? Is that really worth inflicting as many issues on somebody as that ends up doing?

It has to be especially frustrating when you have cerebral palsy and your bike that was stolen is your only means of getting around town, which was the case Bridget Kuhlman of Cedar Rapids, Iowa found herself in when her special 3-wheel bike was stolen from outside her work. Fortunately, people are stepping up to help her out.
Kuhlman is unable to drive because of her condition, and walking for long periods of time tends to exhaust her. As a result, her bike was basically her only means of transportation to her job at a local Arby's. One day, despite the bike being locked behind a fence in full-view of the drive-thru, a thief snipped the lock to the fence and stole the bike, leaving her without her means of getting around.
"I was very shocked and I lost it. I was crying because I'm like what am I going to do," she said.

Fortunately, her boss and her coworkers from the restaurant were sympathetic to her cause, and immediately set up a donation drive to have her bike replaced. Arby's store manager Angie Takes launched a Go Fund Me page called "A Bike for Bridget" with her own family making the first contributions, and since then they've already received several donations.
"Bridget goes to the laundromat with her bike. She does everything with her bike. She has two dogs and gives them rides on her bike. It was something I had to do," Takes said.

Kuhlman was touched by the gesture, saying that "Yes, I lost my bike and yes it's not right. But I'm glad I have a boss who got it started even with her own family." If you wish to donate to Bridget's bike fund, it can be found here: GoFundMe.
What was the kindest thing someone in your life has done for you?