Halloween is a very important time of the year for candy companies. They've got the best opportunity to get their treat into the hands of kids all around the country, hopefully gaining some fans for life.
We all know that trick-or-treat bags are usually filled with Kit-Kats, Smarties, Mars bars, and Reese's, but this year there is a new player in the game.
In 2016, the iconic and delicious Oreo cookies were turned into a candy bar. They were coated in a delicious chocolate, filled with the yummy vanilla cream, and then the little cookie pieces were sprinkled throughout. They have been a huge hit, but this year they've scaled them down.

Oreo will be releasing a "Fun Sized" version of the Oreo candy bars for the first time this year, with some special Halloween packaging that will let you give them out to the trick-or-treaters this year, or you know, keep them for yourself, no judgement.
Here's the best part, not only will the fun size be available for Halloween, they've actually made a separate non-Halloween themed bag of fun size bars that you can buy year-round!
Which is perfect, because that way you can toss one into your lunch as a special treat no matter what time of year it is!
Obviously we all have our favorite candy bars, but Oreo is doing their best to become the new top dog. What do you think? Will you be giving out Oreo chocolate bars this year, or will you stick to the original candy boxes?
Source - Delish / Elite Daily

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