On August 10th, a Swedish journalist named Kim Wall set out to do research on a story about Peter Madsen, and the homemade submarine he built. A day later, the submarine disappeared. A rescue mission was conducted for both Wall and Madsen. Madsen was found but Wall was nowhere to be found. Immediately after they found Madsen, the submarine sank.
Madsen claimed ""an accident occurred on board that led to [Wall's] death" and he had to bury her at sea.
"I am fine, but sad because Nautilus went down," he says, blaming a "a minor problem with a ballast tank ... turned into a major issue."
Wall's dismembered torso showed up days later, with her arms, legs, and head missing. The cuts were clean, leading investigators to believe she was murdered, and it was not an accident.
For a full timeline of the mysterious disappearance, you can go here.
At the time the story broke, Madsen was charged with manslaughter due to his extremely shaky story. At first he said he dropped Wall off on shore when he knew something was wrong with the submarine. Then, he said Wall died on board so he "buried her at sea."
Now, Madsen has been charged with murder for Wall's death, and he's opening up about what really happened on board.
The Danish inventor appeared in a court in Copenhagen, where he spoke about Wall's death. Madsen still maintains her death was an accident, claiming she was hit in the head with a submarine hatch. He says he lost his footing while trying to hold it open, and the 155-pound hatch struck the journalist on the head.
"There was a pool of blood where she had landed," Madsen said. He then claims to have thrown the body overboard in a panic. "In the shock I was in, it was the right thing to do."

Madsen's testimony doesn't explain why Wall's limbs and head were so cleanly severed, but it could explain how she died.
Wall's cause of death is still not determined, but special prosecutor Jakob Buch-Jepsen believes Madesen did indeed kill the journalist.
"Two people are on a boat. Her legs and head and arms were cut off, and we can prove that," Buch-Jepsen said. "You can draw your own conclusions."
Madsen is still being held in court, requiring a psychiatric evaluation. Madsen claims that after Wall died on board, he was depressed and suicidal, so it's possible that he could try to harm himself after being released.
If convicted, Madsen could face five years to life in prison. His next court date is October 3rd.