Morgan Freeman is one of those personalities that just seems like he's larger than life, like he's always been around in our lives and always will be.

The man has had a massive and prolific career in Hollywood, with roles on hit shows and movies like The Electric Company, Lean on Me, Driving Miss Daisy, Unforgiven, and The Shawshank Redemption, and that's just naming a FEW of his big roles.

He's also directed films himself, gotten certified as a pilot, keeps freaking BEES as a hobby, and goes sailing in the Caribbean at least once a year. Oh, and did we mention he turned 80 this year?

Naturally, plenty of us have all wondered how the man has managed to keep all of this up for so long (I mean, how many 80 year olds do you know who still act in big Hollywood movies?) Well, it turns out he has an explanation for it, one that he chose to share with the world.
It's pretty fascinating how he's managed to keep going all of these years.
With his new role as the host of National Geographic's The Story of Us premiering October 2017, Freeman spoke to people at a press event about how he manages to have energy for so many projects at his age.

"I have work to do. Keeping busy is one thing. It had a lot to do with eating, where your energy levels are," he says. "I eat as seldom as I can. If they made a pill, I'd just take the pill. I wouldn't bother with the other stuff. I take a handful of vitamins and supplements in the morning and wash it down with an antioxidant drink."

While we're not exactly sure how great an idea that is for every 80 year old in existence, it certainly seems to be working well enough for Mr. Freeman, whose voice, talents, and acting abilities don't seem to have diminished any with age.
What do you think about his strategy for keeping his energy up?