We were not paid to write this story. The products and services mentioned below were selected independent of sales and advertising.
Note: We apologize for the potty humor in this article, but it sort of comes with the territory.
We grew up being told that when life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade.
But artist Mary Winchenbach, 57, has put a new twist on the expression.
The woods near her studio in North Waldoboro, Maine are full of moose, and naturally full of moose poop too.
And Winchenbach has turned those moose turds (or tirds, in her Maine accent) into a license to print money, using a little artistic license.
Business Is Booming, No S----
Winchenbach runs Tirdy Works, a unique business that transforms moose droppings into kitschy works of art.
And while it sounds gross, people can't get enough of her crappy creations.
While Winchenbach has been plying her trade at craft fairs and art shows for some time, Tirdy Works gained nationwide fame after a video of the shop's best creations went viral last month.
Mary Winchenbach can fill all your poop needs @tirdyworks
Posted by Carol Richard on Friday, September 21, 2018
When asked about the appeal of her unusual artwork, Winchenbach says the draw is obvious.
"Everyone goes to the bathroom so everyone can relate to that," she told KJRH.
"The terms that I used to name these products are everyday terms that people are used to hearing so I just kind of try to combine the two to come up with something halfway decent that's funny."
Potty humor also plays a big part in her art.
Take the Poo Poo Clock, with nuggets of moose manure between each number, so that every half hour becomes "one tirdy, two tirdy," and so on.
Winchenbach also offers picture frames ringed with tirds, to show off "You favorite s---head."
Or, if you're in the market for something stylish, Winchenbach's Poo Poo Platters lined with tirds are a real conversation starter in the kitchen.
While they might seem absurd, Winchenbach has found a few clever uses for her crafts.
She boasts that "moose tirds float," so her moose tird keychains will too. That means it's easy to find your keys if they drop in the water.

Along with home decoration, gardening supplies are a large part of Tirdy Works' business. Winchenbach offers both bulk tirds for fertilization and small, single-tird growing kits.
Other products are just plain fun, like the Dingleberries Chrismas decoriation which combines tirds with tree ornaments, "because you can never have enough crap on the tree."
"We ship s--- everywhere."
While Winchenbach writes that she is "absolutely overwhelmed" with new orders after going viral, it's obvious this canny businesswoman has thought things thorough.
Along with her fine craftsmanship, she says her products are "all local," organic, and sustainably made.

"We just go out and track the moose... I have found that when I moose takes a dump you walk about 50 yards in any direction and they take another dump," she revealed.
While Tirdy Works still sells at local fairs, Winchenbach has also opened an Etsy shop and Facebook page to sell her goods through the web.
As she brags on her page, "We ship s--- everywhere."
The business has become so lucrative, Winchenbach says that finding moose tirds has become like finding cash lying around.
"I get five bucks a turd for these things... so I get excited when I see a turd."
You can visit Tirdy Works on Facebook or Etsy to browse Winchenbach's creations.