Cast your mind back to the distant days of 1962 - if you can still remember them.
Back then, a young John F. Kennedy was president of the United States, gas would cost you 29 cents a gallon, and The Beverly Hillbillies had just made its TV debut.
Sadly, we can't go back to those different times. But we can relive them, thanks to this vintage Montgomery Ward catalog.
The mail-order booklet is stuffed to the gills with vintage fashion photos and insane sales that will make you miss the good old days.
Almost all of the photos in this post come courtesy of the File Photo Digital Archive, and you can check out more vintage ads on their page.
How can you tell it was a different time? An ad for the separate Farm Catalog was included.
And woe betide anyone who left out their sizes on the order sheet...
The catalog included everything a family needed to keep their home running smoothly, at very affordable prices.
You can't beat these prices on sheets today.
Of course, seeing the latest fashion trends was another big draw.

A new coat? I'm surprised those hairdos aren't waterproof.
Some of the outfits could pass for modern styles.
And obviously, Jackie Kennedy's signature look was inspiring a lot of copycats.
Meanwhile, the catalog's men were looking dapper.
And even the children had plenty of style.
Don't forget to pick out a new pair of shoes for your wardrobe.
And some cozy sleepwear.
Underwear was more... functional back then. Imagine Spanx before Spanx.
While the men seemed to be taking their cues from the space program. At least it kept them warm.
Back then, the bikini was still considered a risque choice.

You could buy anything from the catalog - and we mean anything.
Even modern conveniences, like Super-8 cameras that filmed in color, were for sale.
Notice the View-Master included with these cameras. They're still on the market today!
Music on-the-go, long before the iPad.
Televisions were not a novelty anymore, and these massive 23-inch screens were perfect for watching Bonanza with the family.
The catalog also included everything you needed to stay in shape. That is, if you could figure out how these vintage exercise machines worked...
Meanwhile, hair-care products had not exactly caught up to the Space Age.
And home computers were still a dream. Instead, you had the typewriter and a ginormous calculator.
The catalog's decorating sections will remind you what every home once looked like.
Show of hands, who would still use these dining sets today?