If you have ever been in the girls' department of a clothing store, you will notice there only a few options out there. The young girls of today, get to choose between short, tight and pastel- hardly a choice for a girl who doesn't want to wear clothes with hearts, flowers or princesses all over them.
"You have teeny-tiny cap sleeves. You have very fitted shirts that you find more in the women's department ... and then the shorts is where perhaps most parents gasp as they walk into some of these stores," Sharon Choksi, a mother of a 12-year-old girl said.
That's when Choksi decided to do something about it. With inspiration from her daughter and niece she created her own clothing line called Girls Will Be, addressing the lack of options for girls.

Maya and Grace specifically gave her instructions of nothing frilly, no bows and definitely no sparkles.
They wanted clothes that they could climb trees in, build LEGO creations and play with cars.

After collecting boys and girls clothes from 10 of the biggest retailers, the mother-of-two measured them and was surprised about what she found. Girls shirts were 1-3 inches thinner than boys. The sleeves were also shorter. Shorts on the other hand were barely a third of the length of girls.
You may think it is because boys are 'bigger' than girls are and that is what has created the size gap, but that isn't true.

According to KidsHealth.org girls are usually taller than boys until the age of 9, because they start puberty earlier.
"We believe girls and boys are more alike than they are different," Choksi tells Scary Mommy. "They are all kids with a wide variety of interests, from dinosaurs to kittens and football to ballet, and they should all have clothes that reflect who they are and what they like. After all, clothes are one of the biggest ways kids express their individuality and tell the world a little bit about themselves."
The Girls Will Be brand launched in 2013 and Choksi sold out of almost everything, leaving them scrambling to make additional merchandise.
"In terms of new styles, we have a long wish list of things we would like to add, because we know girls need so many things with our signature "in-the-middle" style "“ with swimsuits and pajamas at the top of the list," Choksi tells Scary Mommy. "You can bet next summer we'll be back with even more styles of not-so-short shorts."
What do you think of her design styles? Is she addressing a problem that many parents feel is important?