Not many people would see certain plants as food, but what did you think our ancestors used to munch on or apply to their skin when something went wrong?
They didn't have Vicks VapoRub to relieve their muscle pain or Advil to relieve inflammation.
They used natural things from the environment to treat common ailments - and it worked!
Here are 10 easy-to-grow medicinal plants that everyone needs to have in their home.
1. Pot Marigold

This flower is absolutely gorgeous to have outside and inside your home, but it can also do wonders for your health.
Marigold is particularly great for fevers and chronic infections when ingested. You can brew the petals and drink it as a tea. It tastes delicious!
Rubbing the petals on bug bites, varicose veins, wounds, and sore eyes will also speed up the recovery process.
2. Mint

Mint is one of the easiest herbs to grow. All this plant needs is a moist environment that gets shade and sun.
This herb is loaded with antioxidants and vitamins that helps with digestion, inflammation, and pain.
Mint is famous for treating nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
If you suffer from chest pain, headaches, bad breath, and sore muscles, mint will also help to relieve those ailments.
3. Siberian Ginseng

Do you suffer from chronic stress or anxiety?
Siberian ginseng is just what you need to grow in your home to boost your mental health.
The name of this plant sounds fancy, but it's actually super easy to grow.
Siberian ginseng is also great to treat heart problems, menopause, insomnia, and poor appetite.
4. Chinese Yam

Chinese yam has been a staple food in East Asian countries for centuries.
This plant needs to grow in a hot climate, so if you have a greenhouse, you don't want to miss out on growing this yam.
Most people eat Chinese yams for weight loss and to treat their asthma, diabetes, or chronic fatigue.
This vegetable is also great for your kidneys and lungs.
To make the most out of Chinese yams, you can also apply it onto ulcers, boils, and abscesses.
5. Chamomile

We all have heard that chamomile tea is great to relieve pain, so why not start growing your own chamomile plant?
Chamomile grows best in cool environments with dry soil, and requires both sun and shade to grow.
This herb also relieves digestive problems and helps you sleep better.
6. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera isn't just a good sunburn reliever, this plant can also reduce infections in wounds and relieve symptoms of eczema.
This succulent can be grown using an existing plant. All you need to do is put the plant in a bright spot and give it water.
Aloe vera can also be ingested to treat digestive problems, chronic constipation, colitis, and sciatica.
7. Echinacea

These stunning flowering plants are believed to be great for the immune system.
Echinacea is native to the Rocky Mountains in the United States, and is also grown in Europe.
It was used since ancient times for medicinal purposes, and it's time that you take advantage of its benefits today.
When ingested, echinacea relieves allergies and infections, especially the common cold and flu.
You can also apply this plant to your skin to treat boils, burns, and wounds.
8. Rosemary

This aromatic herb loves the sun and can grow in soil with average fertility.
Rosemary is an antioxidant rich in iron, calcium, and vitamin B6.
It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can treat headaches, colds, rheumatism, muscle pain, and depression.
Applying this herb to your skin is also believed to prevent baldness.
9. Sage

This herb can survive in all kinds of soil, but it needs a lot of sunlight.
Sage is a great natural antibiotic that has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
External uses for sage includes treating hair loss, darkening grey hairs, and preventing gum disease.
Ingesting sage is great to relieve digestive problems, a sore throat, heartburn, and excessive sweating.
10. Lemon Balm

If you're living with anxiety and depression, grow lemon balm.
If you don't have a thyroid problem, drinking lemon balm tea will help to relax the nervous system.
This natural sedative is also the perfect mosquito and tick repellent!
When growing this plant, make sure you provide it with good quality soil, water, and lots of sunshine.
Which one will you grow first?
Looking to sleep better every night? Check out these 15 bedroom plants.
And to add more positivity in your life, these indoor plants are perfect for you.
[H/T: Survival Life]