Let's be frank: out of the seven billion people in the world, there's a good chance one of them is your soulmate, and once you find them, you should never let them go.
However, for some folks this isn't always plausible. As you get older, you're more likely to be subjected to serious health concerns, and can be temporarily separated from your partner.
Although the separation may only last for weeks and you'd still have contact with your amour, it can seem like an eternity to some. So, could you imagine what it would be like to be apart from the love of your life for four years, with no communication at all?
That's what happened to 99-year-old Emile Georges Jean-Petit-Matile in 2014, when he had to leave his beloved wife Krajai, 70, in Koh Phangan, Thailand and return to his native of Switzerland to receive medical treatment.
But once Jean-Petit-Matile reached his destination, he lost his book with his wife's address and phone number and thus his ability to contact her. And since Krajai never heard from her husband once he landed, she assumed he had died and moved back in with her family.
"He went home when he was sick and I thought he had passed away, because he never contacted me again," Krajai said. "I didn't know how to get in contact with him when he was away. I just waited for him to call me. I did not know what had happened to me."
While Jean-Petit-Matile originally believed he'd never see Krajai again, he made one last-ditch effort and called the tourist police in Bangkok in hopes they'd help him seek out his wife.
And by a miracle, they did.
Authorities were able to track down his wife and arranged for him to be brought back to Thailand.
"I have to tell you, that even though when you are old and your body hardly works, the feelings of love and joy are just as strong," Jean-Petit-Matile explained. "This is the happiest moment of my life. To see my true love in my last years is what I have dreamed about while I was away."
"I had lost all ways to contact my wife," he continued. "But I always believed that it was destiny for us to meet again. I'm so thankful for everybody who has made this possible. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I've come home for a last hurrah."
For Krajai, she has no plans on letting Jean-Petit-Matile out of her sight.
"I will look after my husband. I'll watch him closely. I'm so very happy to see him again. We are still in love very much," she said.
Since Major General Surachet Puangphan, Deputy Chief of Staff and with Kittipong Kittikachorn, Deputy Director of Suvarnabhumi Airport were the ones involved to reunite the couple, they said they couldn't be more thrilled with the outcome.
"We are happy to help two people who wanted to see each other again. Our team worked hard to make this possible and it was very rewarding to see the happiness it brought," Kittikachorn said.
[H/T: Daily Mail]